

New links up:

Duffy came up as an answer to the Amy Winehouse phenomenon. Real intimate studio session with some awesome clapping, reminds me of when Winehouse performed Valerie acoustic on TheDL.

You know I always ride Jazzy Jester's nuts. He made top 20 for SYTYCD Canada but didn't make it to top 10 even though he's top 3 in my lifelong heroes. I've already posted all his best but here's another one - the way he does things is so simple yet in such a way that nobody else does it like him. Oh and the cameraman shouts out the best line ever: "Shut your Facebook!"

Kate Nash was the answer to Lily Allen. She's got a bunch of hits, like Foundations but Pumpkin Soup is still my favourite. It's just so bouncy.

Keira Knightley is on the typical celebrity run of doing adverts for public awareness, which I'm pretty certain isn't a bad thing (I.e. Bono). It's kind of disturbing, actually it's really disturbing, but if you ever want to see Keira Knightley get kicked half to death this is for you. Now if Paris Hilton would only do one...oh wait they already did that in House of Wax.

Best for last. We all know Sarah Slean is, like, the shit. Janet got to catch her speaking live at the Junos, and it kind of reminded me how much I love her music. Clip is from a concert in Ottawa doing a live version of her B-Side from the Baroness album, Parasol. It shows the extra dimension that she adds to her performances - in addition to being a brilliant performer, she also an actress of the highest order. The song features the best lines too: "only apes wearing capes get the curtain call."

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